Comic Con 2016: 8 Awesome Moments We Need To See

1. The Justice League Assembled

Spider Man Comic Con
Warner Bros. Pictures

So, Batman v Superman.

Divisive though it was, Batman v Superman still made just under $900 million at the box office and whilst Warner Brothers wanted a billion, they'll be happy with that figure after the critical mauling it received upon release. Although the extended Ultimate Edition has gone a little way to repairing the studios relationship with fans, there's no doubt that the pressure is on their next set of big budget blockbusters.

There is none bigger than The Justice League and if recent set reports are to be believed, Zack Snyder and co have made a complete 180 and have embraced a more light hearted and super-heroic tone for DC's take on The Avengers. Even Batman apparently cracked a joke or two. This film has to succeed - launching spinoffs for Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg will be difficult if the film underperforms and we could see the DC Extended Universe collapse within a year of its inception.

Though Warner Brothers emerged victorious from Comic Con last year by default (Marvel didn't show up), this year expect them to come with the big guns - even if they've only announced Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman panels.The entire Justice League assembled on stage with footage in hand will go a long way to fixing that bad blood. If that isn't enough, they will finally announce The Batman directed by Ben Affleck, rumoured to be set in Arkham Asylum.

That'll be the Comic Con win locked up thank you very much and that is something Warner Brothers desperately need.


Ben Holliday is a features writer and film critic for What Culture, Heroic Hollywood, Den of Geek and The London Economic. As an artist he has worked on various projects for Maverick Media, Bauer Media, Image Comics and Valiant Entertainment amongst others.