DC Extended Universe: 10 Major New Rumours You Need To Know

5. Justice League: Rebirth?

Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

2017's Justice League movie was a major disappointment, and while Warner Bros. has given in to fans demanding that they #ReleaseTheSnyderCut, it's hard to imagine the studio deciding to bring Zack Snyder back to take the helm of another team-up for the heroes (after all, they clearly felt bringing in Joss Whedon was the right thing to do after watching Snyder's assembly cut).

It's hard to imagine the team sitting on the shelf for long, though, and that could explain this rumour about a Justice League: Rebirth movie which will essentially reboot the franchise with a new roster.

Specifics are few and far between in DCEU Mythic's report, but it's feasible it would be a standalone project similar to how The Batman won't be connected to the likes of The Flash and Aquaman. That could prove to be confusing for many moviegoers, but a fresh start for the League feels like the best possible outcome at this point, and the site even speculates that J.J. Abrams could end up directing.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.