DC Extended Universe: 10 Major New Rumours You Need To Know

4. The "Ayer Cut" Of Suicide Could Also Come To HBO Max

Green Lantern Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

Next year, Zack Snyder's Justice League will arrive on HBO Max, something fans never imagined would actually happen (no matter how much they campaigned for it). Suicide Squad director David Ayer has spent months teasing fans with what his "Ayer Cut" of that film would look like, but DCEU Mythic recently reported that Warner Bros. is seriously considering release that as well.

It too would head to the aforementioned streaming service, and whereas tens of millions of dollars will be needed to finish Justice League, the original Suicide Squad is only lacking a handful of visual effects as it was completed enough to be screened to test audiences.

The only problematic part of this report is the fact Warner Bros. will release James Gunn's The Suicide Squad next year, a movie believed to be a cross between a reboot and sequel. Whether having that and the "Ayer Cut" come out in the same year would be a good idea is hard to say (especially if Ayer's film isn't that much better than the one that came out in 2016), but Gunn sounds okay with the idea.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.