DC Extended Universe: 5 Best & 5 Worst Characters Introduced In 2016

4. Deadshot (Suicide Squad)

Suicide Squad Will Smith Deadshot
Warner Bros. Pictures

Ahead of the film's release, there were some understandable concerns that Will Smith's presence in it would overshadow everything; that Smith's sheer star power would turn the final product into a showcase vehicle for the actor rather than allow it to be the type of ensemble film it needed to be. Though some characters did, in fact, end up drawing the short straw in getting screentime, like Katana, focus still managed to be spread out among the others, with Smith bringing the charm audiences have come to expect from him without keeping his companions from shining now and again.

For the most part, Deadshot had the most cohesive arc and motivations across the entire film, making him one of the easiest characters on the squad to root for despite being "a bad guy." It never feels as though Smith is there solely to provide comic relief, as that task is shared with characters like Harley Quinn, but instead he helps give the proceedings a bit of heart thanks to his simple desire to reunite with his daughter, the character as a whole working even in light of the film's own divisive issues.

Despite those initial concerns, Smith's sheer charisma elevates what could've easily been a forgettable role in someone else's hands and ended up giving the DCEU a character worth looking forward to seeing again.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!