DC Extended Universe: 5 Best & 5 Worst Characters Introduced In 2016

3. Wonder Woman (Batman v Superman)

wonder woman
Warner Bros.

It's long overdue, but Wonder Woman finally made her big screen debut this year, paying off decades of patience on behalf of fans who had been waiting to see the third member of DC's Holy Trinity get her time in the limelight.

Taking Batman v Superman as a single entity, it's hard not to see Wonder Woman as a tacked-on addition to the film, thrown in simply to increase an audience that much more rather than feeling like a necessary piece of the narrative. It's a hard feeling to shake, sure, but in the context of the film's role in a larger universe instead, her appearance - in spite of whatever faults the film does have - turned out to be a welcome one, with the fact that Gal Gadot managed to make her stand out in such a busy film in the face of limited screentime going a long way to keep the character from being dragged down in the critical mire the film itself earned.

With the character getting her own solo film next June, trailers have already been released showing what we have to look forward to, and it's hard not to hold out hope that the same critical issues and concerns that plagued this year's DCEU films won't end up bogging the final product down. After this much time, the character more than deserves a solid film all her own under her belt.


Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!