DCEU: 10 Actors Who Should Play Nightwing

2. Zac Efron

Zac Efron Nightwing

When you consider Zac Efron to be the ball-shooting, floppy-haired lead kid from the High School Musical franchise, his credibility pretty much evaporates on the spot, but since making that breakthrough (and remarkably casting off the typecasting demons that could have ruined his career), he's blossomed.

He might make some poor choices in what he does occasionally (like Bad Grandpa), but he's both hilarious (when given the right material) and irresistibly charming. And for the triple-header, he's also now in the kind of shape only an actor pounding the weights with The Rock could get into.

In other words, he'd suit the figure-hugging costume just as much as he'd fit the character.

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