DCEU: 10 Mistakes Warner Bros. Has Made With Its DC Slate

7. Playing Fast And Loose With Continuity

Superman Justice League
Warner Bros.

After struggling to create a shared world along the lines of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Warner Bros. has essentially thrown in the towel. Now, we're getting mostly standalone stories, and when there is a hint of continuity...well, it doesn't exactly line up as neatly as it probably should.

The Suicide Squad is going to be a reboot, but also a sequel to the 2016 movie. Confused, yet? While characters from David Ayer's movie will return, James Gunn is putting a fresh spin on them, and just like Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey wrote The Joker out of the DCEU, we can expect that follow-up to also ditch relationships and character development from that first instalment without much thought.

Aquaman came out soon after Justice League, but barely referenced the events of that film. Wonder Woman 1984, meanwhile, is returning to the past but seemingly making Diana Prince a publicly known hero, something which contradicts her desperation to retrieve that photo in Batman v Superman.

At this point, it's clear Warner Bros. no longer cares about keeping any continuity in the DCEU!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.