DCEU: 10 R-Rated Movies DC Needs To Make

6. Deathstroke

Joe Manganiello Deathstroke Justice League
Warner Bros/Twitter: @JoeManganiello

Deathstroke is one of Batman's most popular adversaries, a bada** anti-hero who made his DCEU debut in Justice League's post-credits scene, as played by Joe Manganiello.

With the character's blood-thirsty demeanour and impressive efficiency at taking enemies apart, anything less than an R rating would feel like a huge disservice to everything Slade Wilson is about. Plenty of gore and a healthy dose of F-bombs, then.

How Likely Is It?: A Deathstroke solo movie is already in development with The Raid's Gareth Evans attached, which is extremely encouraging as far as the R rating goes, considering that everything Evans has directed to date has had the rating.

Plus, if it focused on Deathstroke's more grounded combat style and had an actual human antagonist, the budget could be much lower than every DCEU movie released to date, similar to Deadpool's $60 million price tag perhaps.

On paper, this one really makes a lot of sense, so unless there's some sort of unexpected conflict with the character's role in the upcoming The Batman, this is actually very possible. 7/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.