DCEU: 12 Things We Learned From 4Chan's Latest DC Movies "Leak"

2. Deathstroke Won't Be The Main Villain In The Batman

Justice league Deathstroke

The Rumour

Despite the apparent confidence that inspired Ben Affleck to share the test footage of Joe Mangianello as Deathstroke some time ago ahead of The Batman, it turns out the masked assassin won't be the main villain in The Batman. He's still involved, but not at the top of the billing.


It's somewhat surprising, given how public that character announcement was, but it's not the wrong move. Deathstroke is billed as Batman's equal, and he's fought him in those terms in the comics before; the only way to really make that movie is to make it a Batman v Deathstroke sort of deal, and with Batman v Superman still looming large in memory, it'll feel like unnecessary retreading the same sort of paths.

Hopefully, he'll be used for a couple of set-pieces before the real villain reveals themselves, though even then you're looking at a Bane/Talia Al Ghul retread.

It's a shame he can't be quietly dropped altogether, or just added into something like Suicide Squad 2 or Batgirl instead.

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Batman DCEU
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