DCEU: Ranking The Batgirl Actress Shortlist From Worst To Best

2. Naomi Scott

Katherine Waterson Batgirl

Known For: Power Rangers (2017), The 33.

Had Power Rangers been a bigger hit than it was, Naomi Scott would likely have been receiving offers left, right and centre; as it stands, things have been quiet for the actress lately, and she doesn't yet have any more film projects in the works.

But that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, because if she is cast as Batgirl, a clear schedule will be needed, so this works in her favour.

Plus, in Power Rangers, she effectively played a superhero already; a high-school student who's imbued with great power and makes a stand to defend the Earth from an evil threat.

She was extremely likeable, and kicked some serious ass in that movie, showing that she's comfortable working within the blockbuster space - Batgirl shouldn't be a problem for her.

Chances Of Her Being Cast: Batgirl is traditionally a white character, and since Scott is mixed-race, it's unclear whether Warner Bros will want to risk the inevitable controversy and unnecessary backlash they would suffer if they cast her.

It's sad that we live in an age where this would be an issue, but it could impact the studio's decision.

However, as we already mentioned, Scott has a crystal-clear schedule, useful big-budget experience, and has that perfect blend of toughness and sassiness that Batgirl needs. 6/10

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