Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

49. "Please Don't Make The Super Suit Green... Or Animated"

In case the wallet photo wasn't big enough, Deadpool gets in another jab at Green Lantern by sending up that film's over-egged decision to have Hal Jordan's suit be a glowing CGI beast. It looked cr*p, and Reynolds is now happily admitting that (again without infringing DC copyright).

48. Marrow Is In The Weapon X Lab

The Weapon X lab doesn't boast anywhere near as many noteworthy mutants as the Origins: Wolverine equivalent (although that thankfully means there's no Will.I.Am here), but that doesn't mean Deadpool's being tortured solo. As he's been wheeled in we see a subject with bone fragments bursting out of her body who is, presumably, Marrow (faced away should they choose to make her a key character in a later movie and want to recast her).

47-46. References To Cyclops And Hulk (And Basil Fawlty)

When trying to figure out Ajax's real name, Wade reels off a list of increasingly jokey guesses. The first names he goes for include Scott and Bruce, clear (if, in the latter case, contractually vague) nods towards Scott Summers (Cyclops) and Bruce Banner (Hulk). Given Ajax's British accent he then tries Basil Fawlty, which isn't an easter egg, but is a great reference all the same.

45-44. "Don’t Make Us Sew Your Mouth Shut"/"My Lips Are Sealed"

In response to his test subjects complete and utter insubordination, Ajax at one point threatens him with, "Don't make us sew your mouth shut", another jab aimed squarely at Origins: Wolverine's take on the character. At this point Wade appears to be developing some of his self-awareness, quipping "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The film doesn't leave it there either - later on, Wade himself plays along with the rule, irreverently stating "My lips are sealed".


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.