Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

43. Those Pesky Metal Bars

During the destruction of the facility, Ajax pins Deadpool down using a metal bar in a similarly gruesome manner to how Magneto incapacitates Wolverine at the end of X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Colossus later uses the bars to strangle Angel Dust - does Fox have a product placement deal with building contractors or something?

42-41. Scaredevil And Captain Deadpool

When deciding to become a revenging hero, Wade's first port of call is coming up with an awesome name. One of the suggestions made mocking his disfigurement is "Scaredevil", a nod towards Daredevil, who, prior to getting his Netflix series over at Marvel, was owned by Fox. After settling on the Dead Pool for inspiration, Wade's suggests calling himself Captain Deadpool, before deciding it sounds a bit silly. Another Marvel in-joke, this is a send-up of Captain America (or perhaps even the entire pantheon of other characters called Captain).

40. "Franchise Material"

Weasel digs Deadpool's new self-appointed title, so much so that he declares it "franchise material". This is one of Deadpool's more meta, non-fourth wall breaking gags, subtly pushing the entire cast's belief that Fox should make a big deal out of the new property. And, what do you know, they are!


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.