Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

23. X Literally Gon' Give It To Ya

No song could better fit Deadpool than DMX's X Gon' Give It To Ya, which has been an intrinsic part of the movie since the first trailer. In the movie itself it's not just used for excellent cool effect, but also works as a little gag - it plays just after Deadpool's teamed up with the movie's two X-Men, the literal X. I see what you did there.

22. Mr Pool's Logo

You gotta love Dopinder, the alternatively adorable and psychotic taxi driver - he's so unassumingly awesome he could be this movie's TR-8R. And he loves Deadpool just as much as the fans love him; not only does he name his new buddy "Mr Pool" in his phone, but his call sign is the classic Deadpool circle logo.

21. Chimichanga

Why does Deadpool love chimichangas? Shut up, he just does. It's been a long-running gag in the comics and was hilariously mocked in the advertising, and now also gets a nod in the film; just before the big final battle he relishes in the imminent violence and proclaims "Time to make the chimi-f*cking-changas!" If The Avengers hadn't got there first, you can bet the post-credits scene would have just been Wade kicking back and enjoying him some Mexican grub.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.