Deadpool: 100 Easter Eggs, In-Jokes And References

20. Superhero Landing

When Angel Dust jumps off the helicarrier to engage Deadpool and co., the Merc quips that she's going to make a "superhero landing", pointing out a long-standing cliche of the genre that sticks around because, well, it does look kinda cool. Although you just know if there weren't all these rights issues Pool would have taken it further and made a jab at Iron Man.

19. Negasonic Teenage Warhead Is Wearing A New Mutants Costume

When sh*t goes down, Negasonic Teenage Warhead burns off her traditional get-up, revealing a traditional yellow-and-black X-Men costume underneath. That's right - Deadpool did it better than even Bryan Singer could do. It's not just any old X-costume though - this has many of the hallmarks of the New Mutants getup, possibly hinting at the offshoot team getting their own movie at some point down the line.

18. Bob, Agent Of HYDRA

When Deadpool recognises the henchman in the final battle scene, pausing the violence to say "Bob, is that you?" and have a brief catch-up, that's actually the first on-screen appearance of Bob, Agent Of HYDRA, another totally ridiculous Marvel antihero who has teamed up with Wade Wilson in the past (but is unlikely to now due to all those rights issues).

17. Copycat: Damsel In Distress

OK, so this doesn't actually appear in the movie, but it was in the trailers and you can bet it'll turn up in whatever extended cut we get, so I'm gonna count it; while held by Ajax, Vanessa comments "I've played a lot of roles, damsel in distress ain't one of them", a nod to her comic book counterpart, Copycat, who can shapeshift on a molecular level (in fact, the line may have been cut to avoid fans expecting such an event happening).


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.