Deadpool 2: 102 Easter Eggs, Gags & References Explained

69. 4 Or 5 Moments

Colossus drones on Deadpool
20th Century Fox

There's a big call back during the school sequence that refers to the end of the first film when Colossus gives Deadpool the "four or five moments" speech telling him how to do the right thing.

Here again, Deadpool recites his version of the speech back to Colossus when he finds out the school has been abusing the mutant children.

68. Deadpool: X-Men Trainee

Deadpool 2 Yellow

As seen in the trailers, Deadpool wears a yellow football shirt with the X-Men's black X mark on his chest to mark him out as a trainee. It's actually very similar to the X-Men costume he's worn in the comics...

Deadpool Yellow
Marvel Comics

67. Firefist

Rusty Collins Firefist

When we first meet Russell Collins he reveals that his mutant nickname is Firefist, who was a character in the comics introduced in 1986.

His powers are the same but his backstory and ethnicity are different and he ultimately joins a different team to the one he became affiliated with in the comics, The New Mutants.


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