Deadpool 2 Teaser: 16 Easter Eggs & Secrets You Probably Missed
10. The Other Graffiti: Call Your Mom! Hope! And Ariana Grande?!
Not all of the hidden details have to be lewd or rude or nonsensical: the phone booth has a heart-warming Call Your Mom! graffiti tag on its side. Even Deadpool's a softy.
Elsewhere, there are a couple of Hope tags, that seem to have been picked up as nods to Hope Summers, the messianic mutant born as the first mutant after the House Of M comic book event. Her birth causes Cerebro to explode and kicks off a search to find her, with some believing her to be the Chosen One (including Cable), and others, like Bishop, knowing she will kick off a war between mutants and humans sparked when she commits genocide on a catastrophic scale.
Might she be coming with Cable to Deadpool 2?
There's also an Ariana Grande tag on an oil drum in the alley, for some reason...