Deadpool 2 Trailer 3 Reactions: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

2. The Action (And The Violence)

Deadpool 2 Coffin

Though the departure of Tim Miller is to be lamented (he did, after all, put in half the work to bring Deadpool back to the big screen), the appeal of hiring John Wick director David Leitch in his stead comes down to addressing a problem with the first movie. Though the original got the humour and the charm right, it didn't really deliver on the action front (thanks partly to some fairly toothless villains), and it felt like a slight misstep given how importance ultra-violence is to the 'Pool comics.

By the look of this trailer - which goes a lot more full frontal on its violence than the previous teasers - Leitch's mandate was to bring some of that delicious Wick-brand action. So we get circling cameras, fetishised slow-motion, severed heads and lots of lots of one man versus an army action. In order words, everything that made John Wick and Atomic Blonde so much fun to watch.

Balancing the more silly elements with that sort of muscle is definitely what we need.

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