Deadpool 2 Trailer Reactions: 7 Ups & 3 Downs

3. No Pandering To The Mainstream

Deadpool 2

After the Disney acquisition of Fox and the success of the first Deadpool, fans could have reasonably been doubly concerned that the studio would be forced to go with a more mainstream approach to making the sequel. Even shifting its release to May instead of the original February slot suggested they might be aiming for the blockbuster box office demographic, so why wouldn't they change the content to fit the audience?

Well, a couple of good swears, some thumping violence and a lot of rascal cheekiness later and it's obvious that they're still aiming for irreverence and outrageousness. The box office targets might have changed with a higher budget, but mercifully, it doesn't appear that we'll get a softer movie.

Not when there's a shot of a child criminal with a bomb collar on flicking double birds, anyway.

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