Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

5. The Budget Won't Be Significantly Bigger

Before Deadpool started shooting, Fox forced the filmmakers to trim an additional $7 million from the budget, leading to certain action sequences and characters being scrapped. With the first instalment breaking box office records, you might think the movie's screenwriters will force Fox to up their budget to the same as other superhero movies, but they have very little interest in putting Deadpool on the same level as the X-Men. "We don€™t want $150 million to go make the next movie, that€™s not Deadpool," Wernick explains. "Deadpool doesn€™t lift cities up into the air or battle aliens coming down to earth, that€™s just not Deadpool." That all makes sense, and while it seems inevitable that they'll have at least a little more money to play with next time around, staying under a certain threshold will no doubt give them the same level of freedom they had on the first. While the introduction of Cable and no doubt at least a few more cameos will end up making the sequel feel at a little bigger in terms of scale, Wenick was quick to point out that their plan for the franchise moving forward is, "taking other people and dropping them into this reasonably insular, gritty, urban, dark world of Deadpool." If the comic book faithful Colossus we got in Deadpool is any indication, that's definitely for the best.
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