Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

3. The Screenplay Is Being Written, But Don't Expect It Next Year

While Fox has yet to make it 100% official, The Hollywood Reporter recently revealed that the Deadpool sequel's script is already being written and that the hope is director Tim Miller will return. Reynolds has since confirmed that "we are well into a script", so things are obviously already moving along nicely, but what about those rumours that the studio is fast tracking the sequel to take the place of next year's Fantastic Four 2? That's a nice thought and all, but it doesn't sound like it's possible for it to come together that quickly. "We hope that it doesn€™t take Fantastic Four€™s release date because that€™s awfully, awfully soon," Reese recently said. "We like to take our time, we€™re lazy screenwriters. We€™ll write the very best screenplay we can write if we€™re fortunate enough to get that sequel, and we€™ll write it as quickly as they tell us we need to." There seems to be some uncertainty there then as the decision is ultimately Fox's, but there's surely no way they'll rush the writers in order to meet that June 2nd release date (especially as it failing to live up to expectations could kill what looks set to be a very promising and profitable new franchise for them). If anything, Gambit is more likely to take that slot, so you probably shouldn't expect more of Deadpool so soon.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.