Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

2. More X-Men Cameos Aren't Guaranteed

I mentioned earlier that it seems likely the Deadpool sequel will bring in at least a few more X-Men, but it seems as if that's far from a guarantee at this point. With the X-Men movies still building up to the new timeline we first saw at the end of Days of Future Past, it could be years before they reach that period, and that obviously makes it tricky for the makers of Deadpool to know which characters they're actually able to use. There apparently wasn't too much of an issue with Colossus because they didn't have an actor playing him in live-action and he stayed in his chrome form throughout, while Ryan Reynolds recently revealed that Fox didn't even know what a Negasonic Teenage Warhead was, so she too wasn't a problem. However, the writers have explained that timeline issues make it very tricky to bring in the bigger names like Beast. After all, showing where a character is in the future potentially limits what can then be done with them in the past. As a result, it definitely sounds like the Deadpool franchise will remain separate to the X-Men for the time being, and after bringing in Colossus and the X-Mansion in the first movie, it honestly wouldn't be that surprising if the writers end up not returning to the mutant team in the sequel to avoid any repetitiveness.
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