Deadpool Sequel: 6 Major New Details You Need To Know

1. We Won't Be Travelling Into The Future With Cable

Deadpool himself confirmed that Cable will be in the sequel, but while you might think the presence of the time travelling mutant is going to open the door to Wade Wilson visiting a war torn future and embarking on an epic mission to save reality, that definitely isn't the plan at this point. The writers admitted to being open to bringing larger than life character's into Deadpool's world, but it turns out that's not really a two way street. "I think if Cable and Deadpool team up, it will likely be in Deadpool€™s world," Reese explained. "That allows us to control that budgetary thing a little more; I don€™t think we€™re gonna see Deadpool and Cable on some far-flung planet 300 years from now because I just feel like that€™s gonna be expensive and will also take away from the relatability of Deadpool." Does that mean we won't be getting a satisfying take on the mutant? Not at all, especially as it would arguably be far more interesting to see Cable as a fish out of water rather than the other way around. Plus, X-Force can actually tackle the larger stakes of time travel and the like. It's also worth noting that while he may have mentioned Keira Knightley playing Cable as a joke, the idea has really taken off on social media, so who knows just how different this version could now end up being... Are you excited for Deadpool 2? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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