Destination Star Trek London Recap & Captain Talks Reviewed

2. Scott Bakula

Sometimes it can be a bad thing to meet a celeb you watch on TV. They might come across all loving and friendly when they are being paid to act that way, in real life you might be in for a major disappointment. In Scott Bakula's case, the Enterprise actor could not have been more down to Earth and nice. Majority of the questions were about Quantum Leap, and he said that if he could leap into any Star Trek character, it would be Kirk. He also mentioned that he knew most people were not happy with the ending of Quantum Leap because Sam never got home, in fact, Bakula said his own son started crying when he first saw the ending because itg was left open. Apparently it was deliberate because the producers of Quantum Leap were hoping that a TV movie or feature film might be a possibility but it never happened. Bakula also confirmed that he plays the father on the end of the telephone in the 2011's Source Code, a film that that has a story very similar to Quantum Leap. Source Code director Duncan Jones asked Bakula to play the part as a nod to Quantum leap and Bakula did it to make the fans happy. He repeated his regrets that Enterprise was canceled after four seasons, just as the show was finding its feet. When asked to sing the Enterprise theme tune, Bakula recalled that after the pilot aired, he was completely oblivious to the backlash that was on the horizon because of the music on the opening credits. He found out when he was driving to Paramount and a man was standing outside the gates with a sandwich board, on one side it said 'LOVED ENTERPRISE' and on the back it said 'HATED THE THEME TUNE' Scott Bakula came across as down to earth, friendly and approachable. You could have easily listened to him for a lot longer than 45 minutes.

Child of the 80's. Brought up on Star Trek, Video Games and Schwarzenegger, my tastes evolved to encompass all things geeky.