Django Unchained: 10 Things You Didn't Know

2. Tarantino Ordered The Biggest Squibs Ever

django-unchained-image04 There's no doubt that Django Unchained is Quentin Tarantino's most violent movie to date - and that's something he planned for purposely, though that's perhaps not all that surprising, given that the movie specifically references the bloodthirsty Sergio Corbucci westerns of the '60s. But according to his special effects supervisor, John McLeod, Quentin was highly specific when it came to the kinds of squibs he required. Speaking out about his work on the movie, McLeod said:
"One of Quentin€™s directions was that he wanted the hits in some of the scenes to be very meaty. Those squibs were probably approaching the biggest squibs I€™ve ever done on humans. That was the point where Quentin said, 'I think you might have gone a little too far on that one.'"
Nah: we don't think so, Quentin.

All-round pop culture obsessive.