Doctor Strange: 10 Reasons Benedict Cumberbatch Is Perfect

6. The Arrogance Of Sherlock

Without wishing to harp on about it too much, Sherlock really has been Benedict Cumberbatch's breakout part. He'd been good in other things before, but the role of the eponymous detective is what cemented him in the public's imagination, and earned him a fan base which probably helped him net the Doctor Strange part in the first place. His performance as the character actually has a lot of parallels with Stephen Strange, too, who has an arc not dissimilar to one Tony Stark. Doctor Strange starts off as kind of a douche. A brilliant surgeon who nonetheless will only work on people who can afford his extravagant bills, he's got the same sort of (admittedly earned) arrogance that Sherlock displays on an hourly basis, so utterly convinced of his brilliance that he can't be doing with any lesser mortals. Part of the Strange story is that he eventually gets over that - and Sherlock is trying his best to do the same - so it'll be cool to see how Cumberbatch manages a new take on that old chestnut.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at