Doctor Strange: 10 Reasons Benedict Cumberbatch Is Perfect

5. But He Can Be Funny, Too

Amidst all this talk of serious acting and being able to convincingly talk about the Eye Of Agomotto whilst keeping a straight face, it should be noted that Doctor Strange probably won't be all doom and gloom, either. It is, after all, a Marvel film, and even The Winter Solider found time for a few great one-liners amongst all the paranoia and longing looks at Bucky. The sense of humour is something which, for many fans, separates Marvel and DC's outlooks: especially in the films, DC continues to head down the grim 'n' gritty vein set up by Christopher Nolan's films, whileas the light-and-breezy dialogue of Joss Whedon was perfectly suited to the Avengers. Derrickson's track record with comedy is unknown, but don't expect Doctor Strange to get by without any of the sort of wisecracks that helped audience accept Tony Stark and a beardy Norse god into their hearts. Cumberbatch is no stranger to yuks either, having nailed a bit part in Chris Morris's terrorist satire Four Lions, a recent cameo in The Simpsons voicing both the British Prime Minister and Severus Snape, plus his early turn as the hateable University Challenge team captain in Starter For 10. Apparently he does a good Jar-Jar Binks impression, too...

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at