Doctor Strange 3: 10 Characters Who Could Be The Main Villain

9. Morgan Le Fay

Doctor Strange Mephisto
Marvel Comics

Evil magicians may be a dime a dozen in the Marvel universe but there's no question that Morgan Le Fey is at the top of the pile. Learning from Merlin himself, this medieval witch has tapped into a magical power that even Doctor Doom admitted dwarves his own (which is saying a lot, considering how deeply arrogant he is).

Although she physically resides in the Middle Ages, her masterhood over time and space has allowed her to attack anyone in any time period through her astral form. If you thought her magic would be impaired when she's not in her physical body, you'd be wrong. Over the years, she's enslaved Thor, conquered Europe, and resurrected the entire continent of Atlantis (which was originally sunk by her mother).

Even though her interactions with Doctor Strange in the comics are fleeting, the pair share an unquestionable connection. Not only are they both masters of the mystic arts, The Eye of Agamotto considered Morgan to become the new Sorcerer Supreme after Strange was deemed unworthy. Because she has amplified her power with The Darkhold, it would be easy to introduce the sorceress into the MCU, since this cursed book will play a role in the third Doctor Strange film.


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