Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness: 10 Biggest Questions It Leaves Unanswered

8. Will John Krasinski Play Earth-616's Reed Richards?

Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness Wanda

One of Multiverse of Madness' biggest surprises is the cameo appearance from John Krasinski as Earth-838's version of Reed Richards aka Mister Fantastic.

In this universe, Richards is a member of the Illuminati, and though Krasinski has been a fan favourite casting choice to play the MCU's Mister Fantastic for years, his role in the movie is shockingly short-lived.

Richards ends up a casualty of Wanda's rampage throughout the Illuminati's HQ, being forcibly shredded into spaghetti-like segments before his head is exploded. Yup.

And so the question remains - will Krasinski also be playing the Earth-616 version of Reed Richards in the MCU's upcoming Fantastic Four movie?

On one hand Krasinski looks great in the suit and the early fan response to his cameo is overwhelmingly positive, but on the other Kevin Feige rarely listens to fan casting and his character's demise may ultimately be a tongue-in-cheek nod to that.

This really could go either way, but given that Feige could also secure Krasinski's wife Emily Blunt as Sue Storm if he plays his cards right - a rare popular fan cast who would actually be perfect for the role - he'd probably be daft not to offer the part to Krasinski.

Krasinski will probably get the role, but don't get your hopes up just get.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.