Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

6. Man-Thing

In the season one episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. entitled "Nothing Personal", Maria Hill name-dropped the character Man-Thing during a telephone call with Pepper Potts, after she had left a congressional hearing. It was the first hint of the Marvel Cinematic Universe delving into the world of the supernatural and, as a result, Doctor Strange came to mind. In the comic books, Man-Thing is the alter-ego of Ted Sallis - a biochemistry professor at Empire State University, who was transformed by magical forces into a slow-moving but extremely powerful plant-matter creature with red eyes after crashing his car into a swamp. The character is strongly associated with Doctor Strange and has fought both against and alongside him in the comic books. Moreover, in an alternate Marvel comic book reality known as the Mutant X timeline, Doctor Strange actually is the Man-Thing, so it's fairly obvious that the people behind the name-drop knew what they were doing with regards to potential Doctor Strange ramifications in the MCU.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.