Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

7. The Darkforce

In the comic books, the Darkforce - which is a concept and form of energy drawn from another dimension - doesn't really have anything to do with Doctor Strange, but apparently it will have something to do with the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and, as such, its inclusion in the franchise is foreshadowing his arrival. At the San Diego Comic Con, a panel about Agent Carter season two - which will air in 2016 - had some of the show-runners giving away some information about the Darkforce that links it to Doctor Strange:
I can also tell you, and this is somewhat of a spoiler, there€™s a thing called Darkforce, that comes from the comic book universe, which also created Blackout on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and it comes out of the Doctor Strange universe as well. That€™s going to show up, causing problems for people.
The Darkforce was seen in the season one episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. entitled "The Only Light in the Darkness" and will now appear in Agent Carter and it certainly sounds like it will be a forerunner to the Doctor Strange movie. Maybe Agent Carter will touch upon the ancient concept of the Sorcerer Supreme. Or perhaps the Darkforce Dimension will be the MCU version of the dimension in which Dormammu or some other Doctor Strange villains reside and draw their energy from - we shall have to wait and see.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.