Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

5. "It's A Magical Place"

While this probably wasn't actually meant as a way of foreshadowing Doctor Strange, it certainly evoked images of the Sorcerer Supreme and got people talking about him. In fact, the internet was completely abuzz with rumours that it was perhaps him who had resurrected Phil Coulson, prior to the actual method being revealed (a drug called GH.325, which was derived from the bodily fluids of an alien Kree's corpse). Coulson's resurrection was part of an operation called Project T.A.H.I.T.I., which used different bodily fluids from a deceased Kree alien to aid people (specifically Avengers) in the event of their deaths or terminal illness. When he came around from the treatment, he was unable to remember any of it and kept repeating that he had been to Tahiti and that it was "a magical place". The use of the word "magical" and the fact that his brain had been operated on led some people to believe that Doctor Strange was responsible. Even if this wasn't meant as a way of foreshadowing the Sorcerer Supreme, the people behind the idea must have known that magic and brain surgery would make people think about him - he is, after all, a magic user and a neurosurgeon - and, as such, it definitely did foreshadow him in a sense.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.