Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

4. Civil War

The very existence of Captain America: Civil War as a movie should automatically evoke images of the Doctor Strange character, as he was an important part of the story arc, in spite of the fact that he didn't participate in the war itself. In fact, he was completely neutral in the conflict and was specifically quoted as favouring no side - opting to simply hope for the best outcome for mankind, whatever that may be (although he did later express his regret at not being more active during the conflict). What he did do, however, was house the renegade Avengers in his Sanctum Sanctorum (disguised as a Starbucks under construction) in the aftermath of the the Civil War - and he also joined the New Avengers during that aftermath. Essentially, Doctor Strange will probably have something to say about the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of the conflict and he may well be involved in the aftermath like he was in the comic books - and that could lead to him actually appearing in the movie, perhaps in a post-credits scene (although Benedict Cumberbatch isn't scheduled to appear in the movie, he will start shooting scenes for his solo movie in November of 2015, so there's every chance that a quick scene could be filmed in time for Captain America: Civil War's May 2016 release).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.