Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

3. Magic And Science Are "One And The Same"

Now, while 2016's Doctor Strange movie will surely introduce some "real" magic, the likelihood of it being quite as outlandish in terms of its weirdness as it is in the comic books is extremely slim. In fact, what Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange does will probably be, at least in part, rooted in a form of advanced science (to put it simply, to introduce magic in the same manner it is presented in the comic books might be too much for the Marvel Cinematic Universe). In order to prepare audiences for that, in 2011's Thor, the titular hero explained to his love interest Jane Foster that the Asgardian powers and abilities that seem like magic to humans are actually just forms of science that they don't yet understand. With that in mind, once Doctor Strange explains his powers in the MCU, it won't come as so much of a surprise to audiences that he isn't necessarily calling on demons, deities and spells to use his powers, but forces that occur in science and nature that haven't yet been explored by the majority.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.