Doctor Strange Movie: 9 Biggest Moments Of Foreshadowing

2. The Quantum Realm

Bearing in mind the previous point about Doctor Strange's powers being somewhat rooted in science, the likelihood is that the character will delve into places like the Quantum Realm in order to use his powers. Therefore, the introduction of the Quantum Realm in 2015's Ant-Man was undoubtedly foreshadowing his arrival in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the comic books, Doctor Strange is extremely familiar with traversing other realms, dimensions, realities and planes of existence - it's what he does and it's where he extracts a lot of his powers from - but they are generally supernatural and mystical in their nature. In the MCU, overdoing the craziness in terms of the supernatural - particularly in the early stages of Doctor Strange's existence in the franchise - wouldn't sit right. Consequently, you can expect Strange to predominantly wander between other realms that theoretically exist in the real world - the kind of alternate realities you'd expect to hear Stephen Hawking talking about in his theories (such as the many-worlds interpretation).

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.