Doctor Strange Review: 8 Ups & 5 Downs

2. Christine Is Entirely Redundant

Doctor Strange Rachel McAdams.jpg
Marvel Studios

Marvel still doesn't have a great track record with strong female supporting characters and Rachel McAdams' Christine is another who didn't really affect the plot a great deal. Sure, she was there to put the pieces back together, but she could have been given more to do than that and reacting with bewilderment at Strange's new powers. I also find it hard to buy that she would suddenly forgive him for being an absolutely titanic douchebag simply because he's got a new beard and creepy magic powers.

It just doesn't ring true, no matter how irresistible beards can be.

Unfortunately she's not the only one. The Ancient One is a little under-nourished, Kaecilius' side-kicks might as well be actual cannon fodder and the Masters of the Sanctums are entirely pointless. It would have been nice to feel something about them considering their fate was so tied to the escalation of the plot's drama, but it just wasn't there.

Obviously some trade-offs had to be made to release a film that wasn't four hours long, but it's just a shame so much of that economy came in the form of character development.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.