Each Member Of The Fellowship Of The Ring Ranked Worst To Best

7. Gimli

lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
New Line Cinema

Being useful in a pinch, Gimli as a character brings little to the group outside of some decent comic relief and the chance to show some dwarf action. John Rhys Davies takes the role and makes the most of what he can with it, however, Gimli is portrayed mostly as an axe-swinging mercenary with a few somewhat - but mostly lacking - comic moments and little contribution to the strategy or success of the group.

It is fun to see a dwarf in battle, their iconic look and fighting preferences make for some highly entertaining depictions throughout the genre of fantasy, however, in this trilogy, Gimli acts as an amalgamation of all of these characteristics. He is stuck in the archetype of being a dwarf character, and due to this has little opportunity to display any development or nuance.

Gimli ranks above the others in this list mainly because his contribution to the cause was always consistent if a little unremarkable.


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