Each Member Of The Fellowship Of The Ring Ranked Worst To Best

4. Legolas

lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
New Line Cinema

Legolas acts in a similar vein to Gimli, in that his place in the plot is to show what elves are capable of and play to that archetype, however, unlike Gimli, he is not the only Elven character in the trilogy. Due to this, he has the chance to show more depth. Also, in further contrast to Gimli, Legolas contributes a lot more in combat.

As a trio, it's clear that Aragorn is the hero, while the pairing of Legolas and Gimli act as his support, this is evident from the fact that neither of them seems to make substantial decisions, mostly just being yes men to Aragorn's ideas. Because of this, both Legolas and Gimli come across purely as characters that help to fight. Thankfully for Legolas, the films display almost entirely from the beginning that as a character he is overpowered.

It's almost comical at times the extent of perfection that Legolas is capable of; however, mostly within the trilogy, it is kept within reason. The same cannot be said for the Hobbit Trilogy, but the less spoken of that, the better. Due to his unbelievable contributions to the battlefield, he is a highly valuable member of the team.


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