Eternals: 10 Biggest Changes From The Comics

4. They Weren't Originally Part Of The Marvel Universe

Eternals angelina jolie
Marvel Studios

Marvel has a long history of screwing over the writers who make them so much money, so it should come as no surprise that Jack Kirby was not an exception to this rule.

Originally, Kirby felt that The Eternals would have more creative freedom if they weren't part of the Marvel universe at all, but once he left Marvel after The Eternals' cancellation, Marvel almost immediately changed that. The Eternals being so deeply involved with the birth of humanity made them a far too enticing shortcut to giving the Marvel universe a creation myth to pass up.

So as soon as Kirby was not in a position to argue with them about it, Marvel set about altering the Marvel universe to fit The Eternals and the Celestials into it. The Celestials in particular made for a brilliant shorthand to explain everything about the Marvel universe that previous writers just had to shrug off.

The most recent use of this being Jason Aaron revealing that the reason so much weird stuff happens on Earth of all planets is because a Celestial was murdered and bled out all over the planet when it was still in its molten stage.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?