Every Adam Sandler Movie Ranked By How Punchable Adam Sandler Is

28. Anger Management

Adam Sandler Punch Happy Gilmore
Columbia Pictures

For a movie so exuberantly obnoxious and aggravating, you'd think you wouldn't be able to go more than a few seconds without dreaming about obliterating Sandler's face into a pile of irksome pudding. But surprisingly, it's actually Jack Nicholson who should earn the ire of your fists.

The title of this movie isn't a coy nod to its vexing nature, its an outright warning to all who venture to sit through it: "You will have to cope with your rage as Nicholson feverishly enacts every awful, irritating behavior in his vocabulary. So...enjoy that."

By the end of this movie, you'll have exhausted so much of your energy imagining torture scenarios involving you, Jack Nicholson, and a full toolbox that you wouldn't be have the effort required to even take a jab at Sandler. Not that any empathetic person would want to.

Punch Level: ALL OF THE PUNCHING! But directed at someone else.

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Adam Sandler
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.