Every Adam Sandler Movie Ranked By How Punchable Adam Sandler Is

27. Punch-Drunk Love

Adam Sandler Punch Happy Gilmore
Columbia Pictures

In what remains his only critically-acclaimed film to date, Punch-Drunk Love operates on the notion that Adam Sandler's familiar dichotomy of abrasiveness and good-natured charm could be put to better use in a more off-kilter serio-comedy.

But while Sandler may have ingratiated himself to the many critics who were tired of his sarcastic buffoonery, he also put some distance between himself and his long-time fans who really dug his whole "too cool to care" attitude.

Nothing about a Paul Thomas Anderson movie feels effortless. And whether or not you can appreciate the amount of work that went into crafting this bizarre rom-com, you really have to applaud the director for being able to get a layered performance out of the typically one-track-minded Sandler.

Punch Level: A soft jab...to the heart.

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Adam Sandler
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.