Every Avenger's Best Performance OUTSIDE The MCU

1. Robert Downey Jr - Tropic Thunder

You read that right. Robert Downey Jr's (RDJ as we shall call him) best performance outside the MCU might be the most offensive movie character in the last twenty years. And here's why it's the best...

Tropic Thunder could have only worked if every actor on the set knew exactly what kind of movie they were making. The tropes they were parodying and the jokes they were making about Hollywood relied on both Ben Stiller's ability as a director, and the casts' abilities at self-awareness.

RDJ goes full meta as he does the very thing an actor like Kirk Lazarus would do for a role. And while the elephant-in-the-room of a decision still lingers on the film to this day, RDJ doesn't shy away from what the role is asking of him. The voice, the behaviours and the line delivery are just part of what the actor did to perfect such an unwavering performance.

Kirk Lazarus, the pretentious Australian method actor, plays a rambunctious soul-singing black Staff Sergeant called Lincoln Osiris. The babushka doll of preparation RDJ must have undergone to understand the character is unfathomable, and to play the role from start to finish required someone with guts.

God bless you, Robert Downey Jr.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!