Every Batman Movie Ending Ranked From Worst To Best
3. Batman Begins

After the catastrophe of Batman & Robin, many believed the DC property was beyond repair. Because the concept of a reboot wasn't commonly known at the time, a lot of people weren't particularly optimistic about Batman Begins.
Fortunately, the first entry in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy breathed new life into the franchise,. With an all-star cast, Hans Zimmer's empowering score, innovative action, and a tight script, Batman Begins deserves to stand on its own and not get lost in The Dark Knight's shadow.
Its final scene does what all great films do and make viewers desperate to see more. After Batman saves the city, he and Lieutenant James Gordon admire the newly constructed Bat-Signal. Even though the world's greatest detective diverted disaster, Gordon acts realistic, insisting that the vigilante's methods will cause crimes to escalate.
To prove his point, Gordon shows Bats a calling card which was left by a murderer at a crime scene. Batman flips it over, revealing that he's in the possession of a Joker card. The caped crusader calmly reassures the lieutenant that he'll "look into it", oblivious of the horrors this new villain will put him through. Even though the climax is pure sequel-bait, it was done right since it made everyone hyped for the sequel.
When Gordon points out he never thanked him for his help, Batman reminds him that "you'll never have to" before flying off. This exchange is brief but immediately cements the two crimefighters' entire relationship as well as their never-ending battle to bring peace to the city.