Every Batman Movie Ranked Worst To Best
11. Batman & Robin

There are probably very few Batman fans who would even bother wasting their breath to try and defend Batman & Robin, even if the studio were improbably impressed by the rushes so much that they greenlit its eventually scrapped sequel. It's now just an established, accepted fact that the fourth in the Tim Burton timeline is entirely awful.
Looking for positives is a foolish endeavour - the only thing that could have been said was that it put in the groundwork for a Nightwing movie, but even that obviously didn't play out. What's left is a garish, day-glo nightmare crowned by pantomime villains chewing catastrophically bad dialogue and led by a Batman played with uncharacteristic apathy by George Clooney.
By now, Burton's vision was a million miles away as Schumacher played to a toy-buying audience (which can be the only reason for the "updated" - or stupid, in more conventional terms - suits). There's way too much of Adam West's campy vision in here - or a cack-handed attempt to capture the same spirit anyway - and it came as no surprise when the film put the character on ice for 8 years. Imagine what it would take for that to happen now.