Every Batman Movie Ranked Worst To Best

10. Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Batman Movies
Warner Bros.

Batman v Superman should have been the comic book movie event to end them all: it was billed (correctly) as the two most famous cinematic superheroes ever filmed, came with an established audience and should have been an absolute free swing for the fence.

Unfortunately, Warner Bros decided to persevere with Zack Snyder after Man Of Steel (which is easily the superior film), and the director who had previously said he had no interest in mainstream superheroes proved himself provocatively unwilling to make the film he should have.

The tone is too grim, the grandeur is forced and the plot and its many contrivances are just stupid, hanging on a frankly ridiculous Hail Mary revelation (or should that be Hail Martha?).

Credit where it's due though, Ben Affleck looks the part as a hulking, muscular Batman, but he's given precisely no opportunity to really show the complexity and subtleties of Bruce Wayne, to the extent that him keeping up the illusion that he wasn't Batman would be utterly unlikely. Of course the most likely candidate would be the billionaire businessman who looks like he pounds 500lbs daily and eats a steak and egg diet exclusively.

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