Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Two-Face (The Dark Knight)

Aaron Eckhart is often overlooked during discussions of the best Batman baddies on the big screen, simply because he shared a movie with the unbeatable charisma of Heath Ledger€™s Joker (obviously still to come). However, Eckhart€™s Two-Face is well worthy of praise in his own right. Most impressively, Eckhart crafts Harvey Dent as a character audiences really want to like €“ Gotham€™s €˜white knight€™ €“ even though we all knew he was a villain in the making. In his establishing scenes (particularly when he takes an entire mob to court), Eckhart€™s Dent is hugely likeable. This makes it all the more tragic when he falls from grace €“ fulfilling his own €˜live long enough to become the villain€™ prophecy - and transforms from Harvey to Two-Face. This is when Eckhart really steps it up a notch, matching Ledger for sinister sneering when the time comes. He more than holds his own in the scenes that they share, before branching out into this own villainous strand. When his final showdown with Batman ends in further tragedy, it marks the end of a huge emotional rollercoaster for the audience, all of which was rooted in Eckhart€™s stunning dual performance.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.