Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. The Joker (Batman)

Undoubtedly, some people would put Jack Nicholson€™s Joker at the top of this list. In the role he was born to play, Nicholson was immensely impressive in Tim Burton€™s 1989 Batman movie. Unlike Ledger and Nolan€™s take, Burton and Nicholson allowed us to witness the Joker€™s origins, as well. So, we got to see Jack Napier transform from small time crook to Batman€™s true nemesis. Nicholson brought an unsettling edge to the role that still sticks with audiences all these years later; "Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?" is a line that will be continue to be quoted for years to come. It€™s worth remembering, as well, just how creepy Nicholson was in the part. When the Joker showed off his €˜art' - a woman he had disfigured for fun - you truly felt that Napier had gone completely insane. It€™s a scary reveal, it must be said. Nicholson wasn€™t afraid of the fun side of the character, either, brining a knowing wink to proceedings when he was required to dance, prance and appear in parody TV adverts ("love that Joker" is another line we€™ll never forget). Tying the Joker into Batman€™s origin story was a little questionable, but Nicholson€™s performance remains one of the greats.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.