Every Batman Movie Villain - Ranked From Worst To Best

1. The Joker (The Dark Knight)

There is simply no denying that Heath Ledger€™s take on The Joker is among the best comic book villain performances of all time. Arguably, when it comes to cinematic Batman baddie portrayals, he€™s set the bar so high that nobody even has a hope of beating it. A snappy script from Jonathan Nolan, Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer combined with Ledger€™s truly unhinged portrayal to bring this chilling version of The Clown Prince Of Crime to the big screen. Although fans were wary of Ledger in the part at the time of the announcement, the actor more than proved himself in the role. From "Why so serious?" to "Wanna know how I got these scars?" and "How about a magic track?", Ledger€™s Joker will long be remembered for his constantly quotable questions. Ledger€™s facial expressions and vocal delivery were the real stars, though, culminating a villainous performance that Jared Leto will struggle to top. The Dark Knight will also be remembered for portraying the Joker as an anarchist who simply wants to "Watch the world burn." Ledger stepped into this role amazingly, even improvising character quirks that would end up in the final film. It€™s a true tragedy that we€™ll never get to see him reprising the role. How would you rank Batman€™s movie villains? Share your list down in the comments.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.