Every Ben Affleck Movie Ranked From Worst To Best
32. Bounce (2000)
Shortly after they both won Oscars, Affleck and Gwyneth Paltrow co-starred in this rather deranged romantic drama about a man, Buddy (Affleck), who narrowly avoids dying in a plane crash by swapping his ticket with a fellow passenger just before boarding.
A guilt-riddled Buddy then falls in love with the dead guy's widow, Abby (Paltrow), and yeah, you know pretty much exactly where this ridiculous melodrama is going.
It's at least entertaining to a point, in large part because of Affleck and Paltrow's honest-to-God chemistry, but the tone is outrageously skittish throughout, and it truly feels like the sort of sloppy, big-gesture romantic drama you simply couldn't make today.