Every Cillian Murphy Movie Ranked Worst To Best

20. Broken (2012)

Cillian Murphy Inception

An absolute mess of a film, Broken starts some interesting discussions about teen sexuality, identity and family strain, but never finishes them. That said, it does feature some brilliant performances, especially from a loving Tim Roth and breakout Eloise Laurence.

Murphy's in the ensemble, too, bringing to life a troubled teacher caught in the middle of dysfunctional family, and he's so warm and charming you'll be praying time and time again that he ends up okay.

Broken offers an unfamiliar example of Murphy being overshadowed by his castmates, though it still finds him at his most tender and fully formed, even when the film itself loses itself, laying its tragedy on too thick. 


i get to write about what i love, which is cool. be good to each other