Every DCEU Movie Ranked From Worst To Best (According To IMDb)

4. Aquaman - 7.0

DCEU Movies
Warner Bros.

Jason Momoa is a ridiculously likeable personality, and has injected the DCEU with a fun element that was never present before. Likely similar to the effect Dwayne Johnson will have when Black Adam finally hits the cinemas.

Though only a glorified cameo in Justice League, Arthur Curry shone when on the screen, and his own movie was no different. James Wan brought to life the under water world of Atlantis in spectacular fashion, similarly to how Ryan Coogler introduced us to Wakanda in the MCU.

Alongside the titular hero, Amber Heard as Mera was outstanding, adding another powerful female character to the franchise. Exploring the new world, its lore and characters is excellent, but it is hard not to think it would have been so much better to release this movie before Mamoa’s appearance in Justice League.

While the fun vibe and lighter tone to the movie can be seen as going against the grain of the dark and gritty feel the franchise had already established, Aquaman remains the only DCEU movie to breach the one billion dollar mark. Since Warner Bros seem to value money over everything else, the box office success of Aquaman may point to a permanent tone change for the franchise in general.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.